Author Archives: Joell

Earth Day 2020: What the pandemic can teach us

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Joe, myself and our cats are together at home these days, like most people are, under a “shelter in place” order, waiting for the number of new Coronavirus cases to subside and for widespread testing to be put into place.   Since today is Earth Day (and this will surely be the most unusual Earth Day of the past 50) I… Read more »

What does a doughnut have to do with climate change?

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In early 2020 the effects of 1°C climate change are many; unprecedented wildfires, the second lowest amount of Arctic sea ice on record, and a winter that barely arrived. To avoid even larger impacts, the international community has set a goal of reducing carbon emissions to limit warming to 1.5°C, yet we are not on track to achieve this. The… Read more »

Help biodiversity by becoming a citizen scientist

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Citizen science initiatives help scientists document biodiversity and ecological relationships at a time when species are disappearing at an alarming rate. Since its inception in 2008, iNaturalist users have mapped when and where more than 250,000 species sightings have occurred. Such data, collected over years can help identify long term trends in biodiversity not always possible by traditional funding.

Sustainability at home

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Lately I’ve read many wonderful blog posts on sustainable living and how to go “zero waste”.  Zero waste is more of an aspirational than a fully achievable goal, but rethinking habits and decreasing the amount of stuff we throw away is a great way for individuals to begin to reduce their environmental impact. Here are some of the steps we’ve taken… Read more »