Category Archives: Other

Happy St. Joseph’s Day!

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Saint Joseph’s day is a day of sharing and helping others. You don’t need to be Catholic to celebrate St. Joseph’s day, you only need to be willing to share your good fortune. Just like on St. Patrick’s day, when everyone is Irish, on St. Joseph’s day, let everyone be Sicilian.

Gallery of Wood Bowls

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Wood Turning is a long term hobby of mine. I like to make functional objects, such as bowls, using discarded logs rather than purchased lumber. Wood bowls, when properly cared for can last hundreds of years. When we lived in DC I sometimes sold them, now I occasionally give them away as gifts. Here are some of the ones I’ve kept for myself.

Earth Day 2020: What the pandemic can teach us

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Joe, myself and our cats are together at home these days, like most people are, under a “shelter in place” order, waiting for the number of new Coronavirus cases to subside and for widespread testing to be put into place.   Since today is Earth Day (and this will surely be the most unusual Earth Day of the past 50) I… Read more »

Raised garden beds from reused roofing

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raised-beds from reclaimed material

We replace our garden’s post-hoc collection of old beds with uniform raised beds, made from old sheet metal and other reclaimed materials. In this post I’ll tell you how I constructed the beds and a little about the advantages of raised gardening.

Old School Joe Opts In

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Why a blog? 2019 seems to have marked a turning point in the global climate crisis, or at least in the public’s perception of the issue. About six in ten Americans (62%) say they are at least “somewhat worried” about global warming. More than one in five (23%) are “very worried”  (Leiserowitz et al., 2019). Average global temperatures have warmed… Read more »